Digital Catapult
Aug 2019
Playlines was invited to take part in the first-ever Surroundscapes showcase at Digital Catapult, to showcase the most innovative work being done in immersive audio and sound-led immersive experiences.
We installed a version of our audio AR rap experience CONSEQUENCES in Digital Catapult’s office in London and at the historic Ormeau Baths in Belfast, transforming both spaces into an interactive narrative rave with multiple potential endings.
Co-founder Rob Morgan: “I remember when i was just starting out , coming to breakfast briefings and events at Digital Catapult, gatecrashing some of them, and wondering if I’d ever be able to work here officially. It’s amazing to be able to showcase our work here.” Our inclusion in Surroundscapes confirms Playlines as one of the most innovative immersive audio companies in the UK.